Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday mourning..part II

Posted in by the time keeper | Edit
Second part of this monday mourning here will updates u with the current situation in moscow and other parts in Russia. 3 days after the attack,Russian took revenge on muslims with hijab. They smacked almost currently 5 females in metro, and cops had done thorough checking on muslims handbags. Pathetically,most of them were seriously avoiding muslims and treating us like shit. Stares at us as they are seeing morons walking with guns and bombs all the time.
Yesterday,there were another 2 reports on bombing attack at south of Russia and north Caucasus. ---> this is where all the wars took place at the beginning. Based on UEA fact finding mission that ive read, there were times where Russian attacks Georgia for 5 days and had caused serious destruction, reaching levels of utter devastation in a number of towns and villages. But,the fighting didnt end the political war nor were any of the issues that lay beneath is resolved. It is totally a human tragedy..sad records of killing and other losses,intense suffering..with hopes and dreams that were shattered..Actions of revenge keeps a close look at the peoples motives,we shall understand their aspiration,even when we are not able to accept the means.
It was reported that the suicide bomber that bombs moscow train last monday had lost her family during the late war..and they were not exactly a muslim. They were said to be followers of one suffiism concept. Something that they called as Wahhabism. They were taught to do the sacrifical offerings and as for them, Muslims or christian that refuses this concept were should to be put to death. Back to the bombing attacks,those that happened in south Caucasus recently was said to be done by Chechen's militant. And at the same time, Russian attacked Dagestan, one village occupied by Muslims. This news,however was kept LOW and slow. Which is totally unfair. They are really playing with the politics..adding the mutual mistrust,hates,and rage of hatred towards Muslim...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday mourning..

Posted in by the time keeper | Edit
suicide bomber in happened ystrday morning.
some says it was just a political game created by vladivimir putin due to his reducing number of voters...
others say that it was another propaganda created by US or may be UK..just to create have fun.i bet there will be another new video of Bin Laden coming out soon after this incident.heh.
the worst part is,most of them say it was made by MUSLIM terrorist..
well..the real thing is,the suicide bombers were identified as Chechen females.n, they were proclaimed as muslims.yeah.they can proclaim anything,but no one will ever know the truth. things are getting worst here.But this is not the first time for Russia to face this kind of situation. They had the same thing in late 2002. 2004..and recently last year at St.Petersburgh. Russians are really looking forward to take revenge on all muslims.

But,honestly speaking..they should have blame themselves. Based on one documentary ive read, Russians had once attack Chechnya and killed almost all of the muslims there. Im not saying that this is the real cause of the incident that just happened, but things like this might induce hatred in every human kind,to be exact,the chechen.

Russians..they are really proud of themselves.their cultures,language,knowledge..but despite all, they still feel disturbed by muslims. its funny though,since 'only the best competitors can makes u feel insecure'.

I have nothing more to say bout this. Shit happened.
But, personally i feel bad for innocent surveillance that was killed. very sure that life will be tougher here for us,as a muslim especially for those who wears hijab..