Tuesday, March 24, 2009

biar nampak semua cantik.

Posted in by the time keeper | Edit
i wont easily giving up..
plis notice that..
im not a loser..
bukan loser yg loser dpn komputer 24hrs tu.tp mmg.im not a loser.
i dare to say that.mmg nmpk blagak.tapi mmg btol.
ayang nmpk owg mcm nk mngalah..tp yg sbena2nye.im not giving up hopes.
cume ade at certain points, we have to face the reality n accept.
and i am ready to all the probablities yg akan jadi.in every steps that ive made.
pasal yang nott tu, my main goal is to further study.
im not giving up hopes on studying in UK..
i wont stop.
kalau tak dapat degree,ill try again..for master,phd, or surgeon kalau owg dpt smbg medic.
its all about fate kan..
and owg slalu pcaye,He knows whats the best for me..so, if tak dpt sgt ape yg owg nk,
owg akn trime..dgn rele hati.walopon awl2 mesti la pedih kan.mmg owg sedey tk dpt nott..tp..tak la sedey mcm owg dpt result spm dlu..alhamdulillah ive learnt how to accept rejection da skang ni.tak sume bnd yg kte btol2 nk kte akan dpt kan?
tp kan..for the time being,
dlm khidupan sbenar,im happy..happy for being my self.for having this life..sgt besyukur..so, dont worry much bout me..mcm ayg ckp gak smlm..everyone is still learning.bukan dlm bisnes je..but in life..