Thursday, February 19, 2009

where rainbows end

Posted in by the time keeper | Edit
recently im having this new habit...
bace novel..
sumthing which is sooo not me..
tade la nk ckp new habit ngat..
sbb baru 1 novel je habis bace..
tu pn amek ms smp 2 hari..
bt anyway, cecelia ahern is such a good writer..
kot aku yg baru sedar,.
she wrote p/s i love u jgk..
which then jd film yg sgt sedey..
nothing much to say sbnanye..
ayang, seriously, i dont think im ready to go hiking..
im not physically n mentally fit..
eh silap..mentally tu,insyaAllah la..
tp papehal pon..thenx sgt2...
u noe its my passion..
n lg satu..
thenx 4 d album gak..
im thinking to bring it over ke irau..
sbb takot nnt mama ayh tjumpe album tu..
owg maluw...
talking bout maluw...
one of angah's friend..yg ade kdai servis perodua,
rillyyyyyyyyyyy need a clerk right now..
sbb ade die pny staff tbe2 emergency berhenti ystrday..
so... going to be one of their staff...
starting march..
so..i only have 1 week to mingle fool myself..
tp next week, i might be going to MARA...
n ade few stuff lg yg kne settle..
i need to post sumthing..
n i need to call few persons..
sometime fate just cant stop meddling......................


Posted in by the time keeper | Edit
hye ayang...owg buat blog sbb ayang..
ekceli,owg confuse..dlu mcm leh buat skin sndr...sume la..leh buat template sndr..
tp skang da tkleh ek?
pelik owg yg ktinggalan zaman?